Seawall Repair Darien Ct

Your Darien, Ct seawall needs to be inspected and repaired as needed so that it can do its job of preventing flooding of your property, erosion of your shoreline, and reduction of your property’s value. Regular inspections will reveal cracks or missing sections. Early repairs are relatively inexpensive while delayed repairs typically set you up for severe damage with the next big storm. Seawall settling is a common issue that can be dealt with easily when found early and may be very expensive when put off for too long. Without timely repairs to your seawall you will sustain property damage and your property’s value will fall as well. For seawall repair Darien Ct uses Salt of the Earth, Inc. Our company provides seawall repair and construction services within Long Island Sound and along the Hudson River.

How Well Does Your Seawall Protect Your Darien Ct Shoreline Property?

A properly designed and constructed seawall should protect your property for decades. But, to guarantee a long working life for your seawall it should be routinely inspected and small repairs made promptly when issues arise. Your seawall does not protect any property on the ocean side of the seawall. As such you may need to add riprap (small rocks and blocks of concrete) to prevent the tide from undercutting the seawall over the years. At Salt of the Earth, Inc. we provide the seawall repairs Darien Ct needs.

What Sort of Seawall Does Your Darien Ct Property Have?

The best seawall is one that is designed to withstand the stresses of the waves and storms that your property is exposed to. If your seawall design is not up to the challenges it faces you will see early and accelerating problems that endanger not only the seawall but your property. Each type of seawall has its own potential problems over time. We will inspect yours and suggest the necessary repairs when they are inexpensive and are easy to fix.

For seawall repair in Darien Ct, contact Salt of the Earth, Inc.

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